Dynaliner is the most effective automotive lightweight thermal insulator available, and perfect to use on top of Dynamat Xtreme. 1/8" thickness best for Under Trim (Doors) and Fiberglass Enclosures.
It is a soft, self-adhesive closed cell rubber with thousands of cells packed extremely close together, which gives the material near zero air infiltration occurrences. This is the key to its ability to reduce heat, as well as resist oil and water. Since it will not hold water, it will not promote rust or mildew like most under carpet padding and thermal insulators. Dynaliner is also durable enough to be crush and tear resistant. Because of its durability and ability to resist oil and water, Dynaliner is long lasting.
Dynaliner is available in 1/8”, 1/4”, and 1/2” thicknesses. Use the thickest one that your space will allow. 1/8" thickness best for Under Trim (Doors) and Fiberglass Enclosures.
Dynaliner 1/8". Contents: (1) 32"x 54" x 1/8" (813mm x 1372mm x 3.175mm) Dynaliner Sheet. Total Coverage: 12 ft. sq. (1.11 m sq.)